
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(15)

时间:2011-10-28 11:48来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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The split T-shaped aircraft symbol appears when the flight director X-PTR (cross pointers split cue) is selected.

Aircraft Symbols Figure 11.10.30

Horizon Line
The horizon line is the ADI’s representation of the outside horizon. With zero degrees of pitch and roll, the white horizon line touches the apex of the aircraft symbol, and passes through the center of the aircraft wing symbol.

 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.32 
Oct 05/06 

Sky/Ground Display
Separated by the horizon line, this blue-and-brown image (wall to wall or coast to coast) provides a visual representation of the actual position of the sky and ground with respect to the aircraft.

Pitch Tape
The pitch tape is fixed on the attitude sphere and moves with the horizon line. The tape has wide line markings every 10 degrees, medium line markings every 5 degrees and small line markings every 2.5 degrees.

Roll Scale and Pointer
At the top of the blue raster is a roll scale and pointer. The scale range is ±60 degrees from a wings level attitude.
The scale is marked as follows:
Large tick marks at ±30 and ±60 degrees

Small tick marks at ±10 and ±20 degrees

Small triangle at ±45 degrees

The roll pointer moves in reference to the center of the aircraft symbol, and indicates the aircraft roll angle.

Slip/Skid Indicator
The slip/skid indicator is a small rectangle located below the roll pointer. The slip/skid indicator is driven by lateral acceleration. It turns with the roll pointer, and moves laterally with respect to the base of the roll pointer.
One brick-width deflection of the rectangle is equivalent to a displacement of two ball-widths on a conventional slip/skid indicator.

Normal Attitude Display
Figure 11.10.31


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.33 
Oct 05/06 

Unusual Attitude Display
All nonessential information is removed from the PFD during aircraft upset or unusual attitudes. This function is called PFD declutter.
When the pitch angle exceeds +30 or .20 degrees, or roll exceeds 65 degrees left or right, only the following information is displayed on the PFD:




Airspeed trend vector;


Vertical speed;


YD disengage indication; and

AP engage/disengage status annunciator.

Red warning chevrons appear during maneuvers of extreme pitch attitude. The chevrons always point toward the zero degree position, or the direction of level flight
When the pitch and roll attitudes are less than the prescribed exceedances, all PFD information previously removed during the declutter is restored.
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本文链接地址:庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(15)
