
庞巴迪挑战者605公务机机组操作手册 CL605-飞行仪表 FLIGHT_INSTRUMENTS(4)

时间:2011-10-28 11:48来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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Vertical speed;

Flight mode annunciator (FMA) for the AFCS;

Lateral deviation indicator; and

Navigation display.


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.4 
Oct 05/06 

Primary Flight Display
Figure 11.10.2


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.5 
Oct 05/06 

The two multifunction displays (MFDs) can be operated in three basic configurations: split window, chart window and STAT window. The most common configuration for normal operation is the split window, which consists of four distinct windows:
Radio tuning window;

Upper window;

Lower window; and

Lower window overlay.

During normal operation, the upper window of the left MFD displays the EICAS page, including engine indications, full time system indications, and CAS messages. The upper window of the right MFD displays the SUMMARY page, or the electronic checklist. For maintenance actions, the upper window of the right MFD can also display maintenance diagnostic system information. The lower window of both the left and right MFDs can display synoptic pages or navigation information. Overlays such as TCAS traffic, terrain, weather and lightning can be presented on PPOS navigation format. The MFDs are controlled using the cursor control panel (CCP).

L and R MFDs . Split Window Configuration
Figure 11.10.3


 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Description  Vol. 2  11.10.6 
Oct 05/06 

Information related to speed, altitude, barometric setting, navaid source, navigation display formats and system reversion (adaptive flight display AFD, ADC, IRS) is inserted through controls on the following control panels:
Display control panel (DCP);

Cursor control panel (CCP);

Flight control panel (FCP);

BARO knob (glareshield); and

Reversionary panel.


Display Control Panel (DCP)
The display control panels (DCPs), located on the center pedestal, are the primary pilot interface to select the information presented on the PFDs. The left DCP controls the selectable information displayed on the left PFD. The right DCP controls the selectable information displayed on the right PFD.

Display Control Panel (DCP) Figure 11.10.4

Each DCP provides control for the following:
NAV SRC (Navigation Source) Pushbutton
This pushbutton interchanges the active and preset navigation sources.
MENU Pushbutton
This pushbutton selects the PFD MENU. The items on the PFD MENU are changed using the selection box method. The menu list automatically times out after 20 secs of inactivity.
ESC (Escape) Pushbutton
This pushbutton steps one level out of a selected menu.
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