
庞巴迪CRJ200公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier CRJ-飞行仪表(24)

时间:2011-11-27 14:10来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
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The inertial reference system(IRS)providesinertialoutputs of attitude,heading,angular rates, linear acceleration andpresentposition to be displayed ontheflightdisplays andto be usedby otheravionics systems.
The IRSis adualsystem withtwo inertialreference units(IRU)and adualmode selectunit (MSU). EachIRU receives information fromthe same side airdata system. The IRU measures inertial motion sensedbythe inertialinstrumentsand computesattitudeand headingdata. This information is processedand senttotheintegrated avionics processor systemwhichinterfaces withtheflightcontrol computers andflight management computers. These signals are also routedto the TCAS,EGPWS, weather radar, fuelsystem, stall protection system, flightdata recorder anddata concentratorunits. The MSUprovides pilot selection oftheIRS modes.
Flight Crew Operating Manual  MASTER 

 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Attitude and Heading Reference System  Vol. 1  12-

REV 56, Jan 31/03 

The IRSprovidesattitudeandheadinginformation tothe electronic flightinstruments. Attitude is displayed on theattitudedirection indicator(ADI)oftheprimaryflightdisplays and headingis displayed on thehorizontal situation indicator(HSI)portions ofthedisplays. Headingis selected to magnetic ortrue usingtheflight managementsystem (referto Chapter18).
The IRS normallyoperatesin navigation mode. In navigation mode,itis notpossible to updatetheIRSposition,however, itis possible to perform arapid realignment while onthe ground.
Attitude modeis areversionary mode, used whentheIRUhasdetected an inertialfailure or inaccuracies ofthe navigation operation in flight. Attitude modedoesnotprovide position data. Inattitude mode,theheading maydriftand mustbe corrected usingtheflight managementsystem(FMS). IftheFMSisnotavailable,theEICAScontrolpanel canbe usedto make heading corrections. Attitude modeis annunciated on theEICAS statuspage.
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