
庞巴迪CRJ200公务机机组操作手册 Bombardier CRJ-飞行仪表(39)

时间:2011-11-27 14:10来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

W  Computer Unit, The computerunit createsthe flight symbologyfromairplane sensordata.HGS combines airplane situationalinformation (speed,heading,pitch, roll, attitude), inertially sensed flightpathandflightpath acceleration information andguidance directed controlinputs. Integration of airplane systems information and inputs, combined withflightdata,allows thepilotto maneuver theairplane alongtheflightpath withprecise straight-
in andglide pathtracking.
Ifguidance datais beingprovidedbyAFCS, the combiner willecho AFCSdata. During a HGS-
guidedapproach, once thelocalizerandglideslopehave beencapturedandthe airplane hasdescendedbelow 2,000feet,theHGS can beselectedtoprovide thedesired typeofapproachguidance.
HGS modes are as follows:
W  Primary(PRI)Mode,
PRI mode can be usedfor take-
off, cruise andlanding.

W  FlightDirector(F/D)Mode, F/D mode can be usedto flyF/D-
generatedapproachguidance or to monitor acoupled approach.
W  VisualMeteorologicalConditions (VMC)Mode,
VMC modeis usedforvisualapproachesandlandings withoutguidance.

Flight Crew Operating Manual  MASTER 

Up Guidance System  Vol. 1  12-

REV 56, Jan 31/03 

W  ModesAI andAII, These modes are usedto manuallyflyprecision approaches.
W  ModeAIII, This modeis usedforapproachandlandingsto category IIIaminima.
The provision of data for Low Visibility Take-
offs, or Category II Operations or Category IIIa Operations does not constitute operational approval to conduct suchoperations.
W  Clear (CLR)Mode, Clear modeis typically usedduringtaxito clear allsymbologyfromthecombiner.
W  Test(TEST)Mode, Test modeis usedby maintenance stafftodiagnose faults, checkoutandtroubleshoot the system.

A. Combiner Symbology
DependentuponHGS mode(see “DISPLAYCRITERIA”table)the combiner willdisplay the following:
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