
Getting to the Point Business Aviation in Europe(10)

时间:2011-11-24 11:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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Figure 2. ‘Business aviation’ as defined here overlaps with other types of flight.
1 Business Aviation Safety Brief, Summary of Global Accident Statistics, 1998-2002, Issue 2, March 2004.

In 2005, 6.9% of all IFR flights in Europe were business aviation. Since 2001, this segment has grown twice as quickly as the rest of air traffic. Flights by business jets are growing particularly strongly, by 8.9% in 2005, as new business models enable growth that is driven by the needs of the global economy, by increasing profits and prosperity, and by a growing acceptance of the economic benefits. Regulation and lack of infrastructure, however, mean that the traffic volumes seen in the US are unlikely to be seen in Europe in the near future.
In 2005 there were nearly 630,000 business flights in Europe, which was 6.9% of all IFR flights in the EUROCONTROL Statistical Reference Area (ESRA)2. This segment of the traffic is growing at twice the rate of total traffic: 22% more flights in 2005 than in 2001, compared to a 10% increase for the rest of air traffic.
In 2005 business aviation grew by 6.3%, but this was not evenly dis-tributed amongst the engine types (jet, turboprop, piston). In spite of the fuel price jump at the end of 2004, the number of flights by busi-ness jets grew by 8.9% in 2005, turboprops had a modest 2.4% increase, and piston aircraft flew 2% fewer flights.
There are many underlying reasons for this growth, for example: glob-alisation means more business travel; since 9/11, there is a general per-ception of greater delays at airports, mostly because of security con-straints; growing prosperity brings this sort of travel within the reach of more companies and individuals; changing European social per-spectives which recognise the value of business aviation rather than seeing it as a luxury; and, a stronger euro making dollar-priced aircraft cheaper.
Couple these reasons with the main enablers - new business models and new aircraft types making business aviation increasingly accessible
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