
Getting to the Point Business Aviation in Europe(23)

时间:2011-11-24 11:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者


■■ Business Departures/Day . Max. Business Deps. ■■ Other Deps./Hour
■■ Business Departures/Day . Max. Business Deps. ■■ Other Deps./Hour


The business and scheduled aviation markets in Europe both have around 700 operators each. Since business aviation is ten times smaller, this means that there are many business operators with only one or two aircraft. These individuals, or small firms, have very limited resources to keep up with changes in equipment requirements or other regulations.
The business aviation market in Europe has nearly 700 operators. Just six of these operators have more than 1% of market, i.e. they fly more than 1% of the business flights. Figure 22 shows how few large opera-tors there are: and in this diagram one of the largest operators is an artificial grouping of a number of operators for whom there is incom-plete data. In addition, this analysis does not include business aircraft flying routinely in Europe, but registered elsewhere.
Another perspective on the same issue is aircraft ownership. Our analy-sis shows that nearly 85% of business aviation operators registered in Europe have fewer than five aircraft in their fleet. Indeed, as Figure 23 shows, 39% have just one aircraft. The owners of the largest European fleets are listed in Annex H. Please note that these figures do not include are other business aircraft which fly into Europe but are based elsewhere – Russia, USA, the Gulf Region being prime examples – or are registered elsewhere.
The scheduled market in Europe has roughly the same number of oper-ators, but is more concentrated, with 22 scheduled operators having more than 1% of the scheduled market.
With the same number of operators in a market which is ten times smaller, this means that there are a large number of individuals and very small firms who make up the bulk of the business aviation indus-try. As a result, they bring local knowledge and detailed understand-ing of the passengers’ needs, but no economies of scale and no spare resources.
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