
Getting to the Point Business Aviation in Europe(36)

时间:2011-11-24 11:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者


The environmental impact of this segment of the air traffic was a question we would like to have answered. However, a particular issue here is the limited information on the number of passengers, so there was little of substance to report. Further work is needed.


The evolution of business aviation, geographically and in terms of the mix of aircraft types, needs to be explored in more depth and, in particular, monitored over the next few years. The medium-term forecast method will be refined in response to this study.



There is no single best definition of ‘business avia-tion’. An economic study might define it using the purpose of the trip, but then business flights can only be identified by asking the traveller. This is both costly and sensitive to interpretation. Another approach would be to use a list of aircraft operators, such as members of the European Business Aviation Association, but this list changes from year to year, and especially for business aviation, may miss the large number of very small operators who do not join the association.
EUROCONTROL has a rich archive of flight data. The definition chosen was selected to allow these data to be exploited most efficiently. A number of methods of definition were considered: combining aircraft types, where they flew and who the aircraft operators were. But the simplest – business aviation defined as a list of aircraft types – captured the essence of this segment of air traffic, and its simplic-ity means it is clear what the statistics presented relate to.
Of course, there were discussions about what should be included and what should not. A typical problem was with respect to the same aircraft types used by some operators for training and by others for busi-ness. We reviewed the fleets in Europe to make the selection which is given here.
The approach means that the largest business jets, such as the Boeing Business Jet or even B747 conver-sions are excluded, because in our data they have the same type-code as their counterparts used for scheduled services, but these large aircraft probably make up less than 10% of the business fleet.
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