
Getting to the Point Business Aviation in Europe(14)

时间:2011-11-24 11:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Their business models are built on throughput of passengers so, with runway capacity scarce, air-craft carrying large numbers of passengers are more attractive.


In addition, lighter aircraft are more sensitive to the turbulent wake vortices generated by other air-craft; a lighter aircraft cannot land so close behind a heavy aircraft as a second heavy aircraft can. Therefore a small business jet takes more of the scarce landing time than a much larger jet carry-

ing more passengers, which makes small aircraft operations doubly unattractive to some airports.

The slot allocation and flow management process-es work best for aircraft operators with a regular pattern of flights planned months ahead.
For a fractional operator or air taxi firm working to ten hours notice, in effect this makes smaller air-ports the only option. It also means that their cus-tomers do not always get what they want: connect-ing with a long-haul flight at a major airport, for example.
It therefore comes as no surprise to see that, in 2005, only 30% of business departures were from airports with 100 or more departures per day (see Figure 6 left-hand side). For all IFR flights 60% of departures are from airports with 100 or more departures per day (see Figure 6 right-hand side).
As a result, the busiest 100 business aviation airports have only 60% of the business traffic whereas the top 100 airports for all traffic together have 75% of all movements (see Figure 6.) In fact, across Europe, both the market concentration of scheduled airports and business airports is very low. The Herfindahl-Hirschman index is the standard way of measuring market concentration4. A score of 1000 or more is considered ‘moderate concentration’. Measured as a whole, the airports in either class have market con-centration of only 70-120, so scheduled and busi-ness airports are not that different on this parameter and are not concentrated, even if locally the choice may be more limited.
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