
Getting to the Point Business Aviation in Europe(21)

时间:2011-11-24 11:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The business aviation pattern is much more varied, with many cases where the busiest day carries twice or even higher multiples of the average traffic. Again, some of this variation is due to week-weekend variation, but there are also particular airports where the business avi-ation demand occurs at very specific periods: trade and business con-ferences, such the World Economic Forum or film festivals; sporting events, such as Formula 1 Grand Prix; or political summits. Particular examples of these are seen in Annex B (Figure 43): Samedan is the air-port used during the World Economic Forum and Speyer airport is used for the German Grand Prix.
Even where they can be anticipated, these peaks can demand specific air traffic flow and capacity management measures to ensure safe, orderly and expeditious flow not only at the airport, but also in the surrounding airspace.

Business aviation follows different seasonal patterns from the rest of the air traffic. There is typically a strong drop in demand in July and August. During the week Tuesday-Thursday have most demand, rather than the usual Monday & Friday peaks; and Saturday has only half the demand of the mid-week peak. Departures are on average more uniformly distributed during the day, but start later and end earlier.
Seasonality can be looked at in three ways: month-to-month variation; variation by day of the week; and variation by hour of the day. Data for the busiest States are presented in Annexes E to G. The questions to ask are: does business aviation have dif-ferent seasonal patterns from the rest of aviation, and does this make it easier or less easy to share scarce capacity in the air and on the ground?
The monthly traffic patterns of business aviation mostly show a pronounced dip in demand in July and August (Figure 19, left). Even in Switzerland (Figure 19, right) this is true, although Switzerland has an additional ski-season peak in February-March. This Summer dip frees up capacity for holi-day traffic and in that sense is quite complementa-ry. But June and September are increasingly the busiest months of the year, and as business aviation
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