
Getting to the Point Business Aviation in Europe(51)

时间:2011-11-24 11:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者
19  GLF5  Jet  2  34.0  29.9  14% 
20  P180  Turboprop  2  31.5  28.5  11% 
21  TBM7  Turboprop  1  31.1  35.0  ( 11%) 
22  C25A  Jet  2  30.9  20.7  50% 
23  BE40  Jet  2  26.1  19.0  37% 
24  C650  Jet  2  25.9  28.7  -9.6% 
25  PC12  Turboprop  1  23.9  20.6  16% 

Figure 48. C525 was the 4th busiest business aircraft type in 2005 (Here Citation CJ1 Interior).


Figure 49. Monthly traffic patterns in the

Figure 50. Monthly traffic patterns in ESRA, excluding overflights. France, excluding overflights.


Figure 51. Monthly traffic patterns in

Figure 52. Monthly traffic patterns in Italy, Germany, excluding overflights. excluding overflights.


Figure 53. Monthly traffic patterns in

Figure 54. Monthly traffic patterns in Norway, excluding overflights. Spain, excluding overflights.


Figure 55. Monthly traffic patterns in

Figure 56. Monthly traffic patterns in the Switzerland, excluding overflights. UK, excluding overflights.



Figure 57. Daily traffic patterns in the

Figure 58. Daily traffic patterns in France, ESRA, excluding overflights. excluding overflights.


Figure 59. Daily traffic patterns in

Figure 60. Daily traffic patterns in Italy, Germany, excluding overflights. excluding overflights.


Figure 61. Daily traffic patterns in Norway,

Figure 62. Daily traffic patterns in Spain, excluding overflights. excluding overflights.


Figure 63. Daily traffic patterns in

Figure 64. Daily traffic patterns in the UK, Switzerland, excluding overflights. excluding overflights.
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