
Getting to the Point Business Aviation in Europe(18)

时间:2011-11-24 11:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:公务机

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Geographically, the network is different from the scheduled network. Figure 13 makes clear that the scheduled network is organised around the capital cities or main population centres, where the large carriers have their bases. Darker lines indicate busier routes. The 500 routes shown had some 8,200 movements/day in 2005: 41% of all scheduled traffic.
Figure 14 shows the top 500 business aviation routes. In total they rep-resent 500 movements/ day in 2005, only 29% of all business traffic. So while the darker lines had more than one movement/day, the lighter ones will not have been used every day. Figure 15 shows how this net-work concentrates traffic along a London-Rome axis, taking in Paris, Geneva, Cannes and Milan on the way and with more than 50 business movements per day in some areas. There are also a number of spe-cialised markets: Moscow, the Norwegian Fjords and some island serv-ices being obvious examples.
This illustrates how business aviation is not about providing a multi-func-tional network that meets all needs, or about ferrying people from the wet North-West to the sunny South. Instead it links specific major business centres, often at short range. As business aviation traffic grows, this could create its own problems: adding a large proportion of its traffic to an area that is already the busiest airspace in Europe.

Figure 13. The top 500 bi-directional scheduled aviation routes (2005) carry 41% of scheduled flights between the main population centres and the hubs show up very clearly.


Figure 14. By contrast, the top 500 bi-directional business aviation routes (2005) carry just 29% of business aviation between a narrower range of cities.



Business aviation is not about taking passengers from the front cabin of a scheduled flight and flying them in their own aircraft. Business aviation fills a gap in scheduled services: most business flights are between cities not served by scheduled flights.
Business aviation flies when it is needed and cuts out check-in times, but it has another advantage which is less well documented: flying where it is needed.
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